What Is CBSE?
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by the Government of India. There are more than 27,000 schools in India and 240 schools in 28 foreign countries affiliated to the CBSE. All schools affiliated to CBSE follow the NCERT curriculum especially from class 9 to 12.
CBSE conducts the final examinations for Class 10 and Class 12 every year in the month of March. The results are announced by the end of May. For promotion from Secondary level (Class IX-X) to Senior Secondary level (Class XI-XII), a student must obtain, for all subjects (or best 5 if 6 subjects are taken), 33% overall, without any minimum theory mark requirement. For class 12 students the promotion criteria is 33% overall, with 33% in both theory and practical examinations (if applicable). For a student who does not manage to pass in exactly one subject, he/she can write the compartment for that subject in July. For those who fail the compartment, or those who fail in two subjects or more, he/she must rewrite all the subjects taken in the next year.

What we do
Important Points
Method Of Preparation