

1. Force and Pressure
  • 1.1 Force and its Effects
  • 1.2 Types of Forces
  • 1.3 Pressure
  • 1.4 Pressure exerted by Gases
2. Friction
  • 2.1 Friction and its Properties.
  • 2.2 Types of Friction
  • 2.3 Fluid Friction
3. Sound
  • 3.1 Production and Propagation of Sound
  • 3.2 Characteristics of Sound
  • 3.3 Human Ear and Noise Pollution
4. Some Natural Phenomena
  • 4.1 Electric Charges and their Interaction
  • 4.2 Lightning – Production and Consequences
  • 4.3 Case Study – Nature’s Fury (Earthquake)
5. Light
  • 5.1 Reflcetion of Light
  • 5.2 Multple Reflections and dispersion of light
  • 5.3 Human eye and its defects
6. Stars and the solar system
  • 6.1 The Moon
  • 6.2 Stars and constellations
  • 6.3 Planets and the solar system
  • 6.4 More about the solar system