Choosing Between Math Levels 1 and 2
If you have had preparation in trigonometry and elementary functions and have attained grades of B or better in these courses, select Level 2 because most of the university prefer SAT Math level 2 over level 1. If you are sufficiently prepared to take Level 2 but take Level 1 in hopes of receiving a higher score, you may not do as well as you expect.
You may want to consider taking the test that covers the topics you learned most recently, since the material will be fresh in your mind. You should also consider the requirements of the colleges and programs you are interested in.
Three years of college-preparatory mathematics, including two years of algebra and one year of geometry. This indicates an interest in pursuing math-based programs of study (science, technology, engineering, economics, etc.), and help you differentiate yourself in the admission process.
There will be 50 (Multiple Choice) and one have to solve in 60 min (Score 200-800)
Mathematics Level 2 Subject Test
The Mathematics Level 2 Subject Test covers the same material as the Mathematics Level 1 test — with the addition of trigonometry and elementary functions (precalculus). If you performed well in these courses, taking this test gives you the opportunity to highlight your abilities and showcase your interest in higher-level mathematics.
There will be total 50 (Multiple Choice) and one have to solve in 60 min (Score 200-800).
Number and operations
| 10%–14% |
Algebra and functions
| 48%–52% |
Geometry and measurement
| 48%–52% 10%–14% 4%–6% 12%–16% |
Data analysis, statistics, and probability
| 8%-12% |
Areas of Overlap on Math Level 1 and Math Level 2
The content of Level 1 has some overlap with Level 2, especially in the following areas:
- Elementary algebra
- Three-dimensional geometry
- Coordinate geometry
- Statistics
- Basic trigonometry
*The content of Level 1 overlaps somewhat with that on Level 2, but the emphasis on Level 2 is on more advanced content.
Yes, Bring a calculator that you are used to using. It may be a scientific or a graphing calculator, but if you’re comfortable with both, bring a graphing calculator. The most important consideration is your comfort level with the calculator. Test day is not the time to start learning how to use a new calculator, even if it has more capabilities. Verify that your calculator is in good working condition before you take the test.